Charlotte’s Pride

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Charlotte's Pride (The Sacred Order Book 1)

She thought she was rescuing them, but they’ll be the ones to free her. Charlotte works for the Sacred Order a very exclusive laboratory that deals in protecting all of mankind, not that Charlotte is sure just how they do that. One day she gets a glimpse when she notices a trio of big cats a cheetah, a tiger, and a lion all being abused and experimented on. She takes matters into her own hands and steals them intent on delivering them to a sanctuary. But those plans are destroyed when she wakes up to a man licking her cheek and two others beside him claiming they are the very cats she rescued. Now she has to risk her job, her best friend, and even her life if she wants to help these men get home. But will she be able to follow through or will she be the one that ends up in a cage?

Charlotte's Pride (The Sacred Order Book 1)

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