Tribute to the Alpha

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The war between humans and shapeshifters must end. There has been too much bloodshed, and it’s time for the factions to sign a peace treaty. But there is one man, one wolf warrior, who does not want peace. Not even when humans would be forced to provide shifters with brides to bear them heirs. Ruarc Bloodmoon is not interested in a willing human bride. All he wants is power. Alma is the only daughter of the future representative of the human faction, and she is ready to sacrifice herself to keep her loved ones safe. Ruarc will listen to no one and negotiate with no one, but maybe he will, if she offers herself to him. If she becomes the first shifter bride in history, maybe he will finally see that peace is the only way for humans and shifters to move forward.

Tribute to the Alpha: A Wolf-Shifter Romance (Alma Venus Shifter-Brides)

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