Bloodsucker’s Blog

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Life Sucks (Bloodsucker's Blog Trilogy Book 1)

It’s about clicks, not crypts. As a 24-yr-old vampire forced to fight crippling social anxiety and the fear she might just rip someone’s throat out, Merrewyn Colt has done the only sane thing available to her… she’s started a blog to seek validation from strangers on the internet. Ever since a family trip left Merrewyn with a severe case of vampirism her whole world has been limited to a dusty old farmhouse far from the city she grew up in. But when a disruption to her regular blood supply coincides with a series of ‘unusual’ deaths that bear the hallmarks of something supernatural, her online followers are only too quick to peg her as the killer. Can she stop the real culprit before he kills again and more importantly prove her innocence? Or will uncovering the truth cost her more than her online popularity?

Life Sucks (Bloodsucker's Blog Trilogy Book 1)



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