Top 15+ Best Audiobooks to Fall Asleep To

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Looking for an audiobook to lull you off to bed? You’re going to love these top 15 picks for audiobooks to fall asleep to…

Best Audiobooks to Fall Asleep To

Relaxation Techniques: Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Enhance Well-Being

Relaxation Techniques: Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Enhance Well-Being

Lillian Nejad

If you’re having problems falling asleep, this audiobook is for you. It is filled with relaxation exercises that you can listen to night after night to get to sleep more quickly and it starts with very clear and easy-to-understand instructions so that you know just how to begin. If lack of sleep is ruining your lifestyle and causing you stress and anxiety, put it to rest quickly with this audiobook. There are a total of seven techniques in the book that anyone can use to relax and fall asleep without any fanfare, giving you a much better outlook on your life.


Meditation for Relaxation: 60 Meditative Practices to Reduce Stress, Cultivate Calm, and Improve Sleep

Meditation for Relaxation: 60 Meditative Practices to Reduce Stress, Cultivate Calm, and Improve Sleep

Adam O’Neill

Teaching you how to breathe and other relaxation techniques is what makes this book on meditation so unique. The 60 practices described in this audiobook are recited in a calming tone of voice so that you can start to relax immediately and fall asleep more quickly. Not only will you get to sleep sooner but you’ll experience deeper and most restful sleep that will have you feeling completely refreshed in the morning, proving that meditation truly does work for everyone.


What I Believe and Deep Relaxation

What I Believe and Deep Relaxation

Louise L. Hay

This is a soothing, very relaxing audiobook that starts with describing how our accepted thinking patterns influence our experiences and moves onto how we can switch those patterns to patterns that center around love and success. Listening to the words allows you to relax your entire body one part at a time so that you can fall asleep much more quickly. Using healing energy and positive statements, the author does a great job of helping you relax so that you can finally enjoy the sleep patterns that you so richly deserve.


Music for Healing and Unwinding: Two Pioneers in the Emerging Field of Sound Healing

Music for Healing & Unwinding: Two Pioneers in the Emerging Field of Sound Healing

Steven Halpern

This audiobook not only helps you relax and fall asleep but it also instructs you how to teach your body to heal itself so that your entire life can be more fulfilling. Combining sound technology and artistic inspiration, the audiobook provides soothing music that consists of calm melodies to help you unwind from your hectic day. You’ll hear instruments such as piano, flute, guitars, and much more that come together to create music that you’ll want to listen to even if you’re not trying to fall asleep.


Manifestation Through Relaxation: A Guide to Getting More By Giving In

Manifestation Through Relaxation: A Guide to Getting More by Giving In

Neville Goddard

A great audiobook to listen to as you fall asleep, it essentially helps you get more out of life by giving less to it. You can discover how to work less but achieve more, get the perfect work-life balance, become more productive by practicing self-compassion and generosity, and use a variety of stress-reduction tools to fall asleep more quickly and enjoy life more. If you’re feeling stuck in your life and need a change but aren’t sure how to go about it, you need this audiobook because it is a real life-changer.


I Tried Until I Almost Died: From Anxiety and Frustration to Rest and Relaxation

I Tried Until I Almost Died: From Anxiety and Frustration to Rest and Relaxation

Sandra McCollom

When you’re convinced that you have to be perfect to be happy, the result is usually unhappiness. Anger and frustration usually result and can keep you from the life of peace and happiness that you deserve. With this audiobook, the author tells of her own struggle with this dilemma and how she got out of it so that she can finally relax and fulfill her dreams. It also helps you get rid of the harsh rules that you impose on yourself so that you can let go and let God, which is a lot easier once you learn a few techniques.


Bedtime Stories: A Unique Guided Relaxation Program for Falling Asleep and Entering the World of Dreams

Bedtime Stories: A Unique Guided Relaxation Program for Falling Asleep and Entering the World of Dreams

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

This isn’t your ordinary book on relaxation but a group of bedtime stories specifically designed to help you fall asleep more quickly. Ms. Estes draws on her own childhood experiences where she learned the benefits of a great story before bedtime and you can enjoy her special talent whether you’re finding it difficult to fall asleep or not. This is a must-have for your audiobook collection.


Cassia Albinson

This audiobook concentrates on rejuvenation of the body and soul and it all starts with one simple product: Epsom salts. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on commercial beauty products to help you look better, feel better, and sleep better. Included in the audiobook are recipes such as mind-clearing bath bombs, energizing pedicure soaks, compresses to relieve poison ivy itch, hair volumizers, and chapped lip relievers. Listen as the narrator explains how the all-natural lifestyle is better for you in many different ways and fall asleep more quickly as a result.

Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

Joan Z. Borysenko

Based on the practice of psychoneuroimmunology, the audiobook teaches you how to use your mind to relax on your own and even boost your immune system, overcome chronic pain, and eliminate symptoms related to stress. The narrator teaches you how to do this on your own without the help of medicine or other technological advances. The longer you listen, the more productive the techniques become. It is also a great book to listen to when you’re not having problems falling asleep.


Raise Your Energy & Increase Your Motivation

Raise Your Energy & Increase Your Motivation

Glenn Harrold

Consisting of several hypnosis sessions, this audiobook teaches you how to become more motivated and gain more energy in your life. With a soothing voice, the book even contains the perfect background to help you relax and learn how to enjoy your life more with increased energy levels. It also includes subliminal suggestions that help you do all of this. After listening to it only once, you’ll feel more inspired, motivated, and anxious to move onto the next stage of your life.


Guided Meditations for Busy People

Guided Meditations for Busy People


If you’re too busy to spend 30 minutes or more meditating, this audiobook is for you. It consists of a series of short but very effective meditations that can help you relax, fall asleep more quickly, and get more out of the quality of your life. If you want to transform your mind the easy way, it will help you do just that. It also teaches you how to get the absolute most out of each and every meditation so that you can reap its many benefits. It is the perfect audiobook for those who want to learn how to meditate and improve their lives at the same time.


Morning and Evening: Music, Meditation and Prayer

Morning and Evening: Music, Meditation and Prayer

Marianne Williamson

Whether you listen to it in the evenings to fall asleep or in the mornings to help you start the perfect day, this audiobook is filled with meditations and prayers to help the mind, body, and soul. Ms. Williamson has a peaceful, tranquil voice that you can both fall asleep to and learn how to make the most of each and every day. This is a great audiobook for everyone to enjoy because anyone who listens to it will take something important away from it.


Peace Found Now, Author

Guided meditation techniques help you get to sleep by helping you into deep relaxation first. In fact, if you have any type of insomnia whatsoever, this is a great audiobook to own because it helps you get to sleep, stay asleep, and sleep much more soundly and deeply. Not only does it contain various relaxation techniques but it also has a dream sequence with a soothing voice to help you get the perfect end to a hectic day.

Stop Procrastination, Be Focused and Productive with Hypnosis, Meditation, Relaxation, and Affirmations: The Sleep Learning System

Stop Procrastination, Be Focused and Productive with Hypnosis, Meditation, Relaxation, and Affirmations: The Sleep Learning System

Joel Thielke, Author

Learn something new and fall asleep faster with this amazing audiobook that teaches you step by step how to make your life more fulfilling and complete. Even if you aren’t having problems falling asleep, this is a great book to listen to because it can help you fulfill dreams and make more out of the life that you’ve been given. It concentrates on techniques that give you the best REM sleep, gently guiding you there through a number of exercises that will work for everyone.


Benjamin P. Bonetti

Whether you’re having trouble falling asleep, need to increase your level of motivation, or both, this audiobook is for you. Written by a qualified hypnotherapist, it helps guide you into a deep trance then proceeds to teach you ways to get more motivated about every aspect of your life. Not only is it interactive and effective but it is also a soothing, positive, uplifting, and even fun way to learn about motivation and to relax enough to fall asleep. It is the perfect audiobook to add to your collection.

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