Top 15+ Best Audiobooks About Relationships

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Despite how wonderful they can be, the truth is that relationships take work. Actively making an effort to improve your relationship gives it the best chance possible for success. Don’t know where to start? Check out our picks for the best audiobooks about relationships…

Best Relationships Audiobooks

The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts

The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts

Gary Chapman

Dr. Chapman discusses the five types of languages for love and deciphers each of them so that you can find one that best suits your relationship. Skillful communication is a must in any relationship, and once you learn to speak and love in your own love language, you can increase the odds of a nice, long relationship with your partner. All it takes is to learn a few simple basics and the rest is up to you, but these techniques – designed by an expert in relationships – work wonders regardless of where your relationship is now.


How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

David Richo

Love is not just a feeling but a way of being present, and the author discusses five key points to making your relationship work. They center around appreciating your gifts and limitations, observing and paying attention to the present, allowing your life to be what it’s supposed to be, accepting yourself and others the way they are, and showing affection in respectful ways. By exploring these key concepts you can have a relationship that is much more fulfilling and more likely to last for many years to come.


Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires, the Respect He Desperately Needs

Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; the Respect He Desperately Needs

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Dr. Eggerichs has over 30 years of experience as a therapist, and he shares his knowledge with listeners in this very informative and helpful audiobook. Many listeners agree that even for couples who have been together a long time, this is information that is rarely found in books and videos. If you’re in a relationship and wish to be closer, happier, and more fulfilled, this audiobook is for you. It is truly valuable information whether your relationship is brand new or you’ve been together for many years.


John M., et al.

The author has focused on the common problems that occur in many marriages and has developed solutions to correct those problems. Through this audiobook, he teaches you how to cope with those conflicts you feel are unsolvable, foster admiration and fondness, create shared meaning, and develop tools that are personalized and, therefore, will work in your own relationship. It contains questionnaires and exercises couples can do together so that their relationship can strengthen, and it gives practical tips that will help when that relationship needs to be renewed.

The DNA of Relationships

The DNA of Relationships

Dr. Gary Smalley

Dr. Smalley believes that all relationships should be rooted in three things: love of God, love of others, and love of ourselves. He also believes that all relationships involve choice, and he teaches you how to make the right choices so that the odds of your own relationship succeeding are greatly increased. Listen along as he teaches you how to improve your relationship regardless of where it is currently, and learn a few things you can do on your own to make things run a lot smoother from now on.


Alex Sparks

In all relationships that end, certain characteristics are found, and the author teaches you how to resolve these conflicts so that you can learn just what you want and how to get it. If you’ve been going through relationship after relationship and haven’t found what you’re looking for, this audiobook is for you. It teaches you how to obtain new skills and how to set boundaries with the men you date, all to find that perfect man that can lead you on that trip down the aisle.

No More Fighting: 20 Minutes a Week to a Stronger Relationship

No More Fighting: 20 Minutes a Week to a Stronger Relationship

Alicia Munoz

All couples fight, but this audiobook teaches you how to develop skills that can help cement your relationship and make it stronger. By taking 20 minutes a week out of your busy schedule and concentrating on things such as reconciling different values and navigating issues related to intimacy, you can soon have a relationship like you did in the beginning. The audiobook contains exercises and questions that will start you in the right direction, making for a much more fulfilling relationship for both of you.


Divorce-less Relationships

Divorceless Relationships

Gary M. Douglas, et al.

By divorce-less, the author means you don’t have to divorce a part of yourself just to be who your partner thinks you should be. Everyone gives up things to be in a successful relationship, but this audiobook teaches you how you can remain feeling whole and satisfied with yourself while still feeling satisfied with your relationship. Learning how to give and take in the proper amounts is important, and this is one audiobook that will help you learn new tricks of the trade so that you feel like both you and your relationship are intact.


Renovate Your Relationships

Renovate Your Relationships: A Proven Guide to Setting Boundaries and Building Bridges with Those Who Matter Most

Scott Vaudrey

The author is also a medical doctor and pastor and through this audiobook, he teaches you how to get the perfect balance between setting boundaries and building bridges. He talks about all types of relationships, not just romantic ones, and teaches you how to accurately diagnose the problems on your own so that you can determine what to do to correct them. He uses dialogues and real-life stories to show how to do all of this and more, and his practical information and tools can help you improve any of your relationships that are having problems.


Trust Issues: Manage the Anxiety, Insecurity and Jealousy in Your Relationship, with 10 Simple Steps

Trust Issues: Manage the Anxiety, Insecurity and Jealousy in Your Relationship, with 10 Simple Steps

Jessica Riley

If you are possessive or jealous, it is likely you are experiencing trust issues, and this audiobook can help. The book teaches you how to remove toxic actions from your relationship and includes questions and tools to learn what it is inside of you that is causing you to feel this way. No one can have a fulfilling relationship if there is insecurity and jealousy involved, and this audiobook helps you start by identifying why those feelings are there in the first place so you can figure out what to do next.


Some Thoughts About Relationships

Some Thoughts About Relationships

Colin Wright

Relationships can be good or bad, add to our lives or make them a living hell, but this audiobook teaches you how your relationships can be better and get ones that are tailor-made so that your goals, beliefs, and lifestyles don’t have to suffer just because you want a fulfilling relationship. Contrary to what many people believe, you can have it all, especially successful relationships, if you know how to go about getting it. A great audiobook to add to your collection.


To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man: The Keys to Catch a Great Guy: Dating and Relationship Advice for Women, Volume 7

Gregg Michaelsen

If you want a successful relationship with the man in your life, you have to first understand him, and this audiobook teaches you how to do this. It contains chapters on the things all women do that sabotage the relationship, what men look for in a woman when he’s looking for a keeper, and how that man’s upbringing determines how he feels about everything in his life. It helps you understand men a little better and determine what makes them tick so that you can finally have the man of your dreams.


Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships

Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships

Tristan Taormino

The author has a sharp wit and very down-to-earth style, making this audiobook a must-have for anyone looking to improve their relationships. Whether you need to learn skills for better time management or you have a jealous partner and aren’t sure what to do about it, this audiobook is for you. Regardless of which area of the relationship needs work, you can find tips that help you with this book. When it comes to open relationships, the rules need to be clear-cut, and this audiobook will teach you what you need to know for your own relationship to thrive.


The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships

The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships

Susan Piver

Applying eye-opening techniques to your relationship can help it last longer and be more fulfilling, and these tips and suggestions from long ago can help your modern relationship grow and thrive. They are tips regarding every aspect of human relationships, including intimacy, communication, compassion, and resiliency, and they go a long way in helping both new and long-term relationships get even better. This is an audiobook that is certain to teach you something that can greatly improve your relationship.


Charles Covey

This is a two-book set that consists of the books Communication for Couples and Relationship Workbook for Couples. Whether your relationship is filled with a lot of fighting or you’re having struggles due to miscommunication, this audiobook can help you get back to where you need to be to improve it. This is also the perfect book for people who wish to be marriage counselors because it deals with various issues that will come up again and again with your clients. A great audiobook for both counselors and those who wish to improve their relationship with a partner.

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